“Il Punto di essere” l’ultima fatica letteraria del nostro direttore scientifico Derrick de Kerckhove. Un libro scritto con Cristina Miranda de Almeida che cerca di capire come l’essere umano recepisce la sua presenza nel mondo. L’alfabeto ci ha portato in un società dominata dall’immagine.
The Point of Being is a book of essays that explore the psycho- physiological dimensions of the ways people experience their presence in the world and the world’s presence in them. While it is intended to interest every kind of culture, The Point of Being addresses conditions that apply principally to Western alphabetized so cieties. Indeed, the basic premise of the book is that the alphabet has emphasized a visual dominance among the senses people use to perceive the world as a whole, a trend that has repressed or toned down information from other senses. This literate bias is well documented by Eric Havelock, Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan, Leonard Schlain and others. Much research has focused on understanding how people experience their presence in the world.